Networking, training, communication and dissemination

Lead: University College LondonĀ 


1: Maximise the visibility and accessibility of the programme/platform.
2: Ensure scientific & societal impact of the study, by engaging with stakeholders, publicising findings and demonstrating the benefits and relevance of the resources.
3: Maximise the use of the platform by establishing trust in the technology, enhancing acceptability for patients and physicians, training the end-users and understanding barriers to use and how to overcome them.
4: All partners act as project ambassadors and are involved in external communication and dissemination efforts via leverage of existing networks and communications channels (e.g VascAgeNet and Departmental/Institutional channels) to increase reach via the membership base, newsletters and social media and by actively
collaborating with other EU, international or national projects in related topics.
5: Co-create clear and relevant targeted communication outputs with our key stakeholders.